

Mammut Sports Group AG
2024-10-23 20:40 404

瑞士塞翁和丹麥哥本哈根2024年10月23日 /美通社/ -- 在一項開創(chuàng)性合作中,Mammut、KlimateARC、BofortCarbonaide推出了一個關(guān)于二氧化碳(CO2)去除及其在混凝土中儲存的尖端項目,標志著在應(yīng)對氣候變化方面取得了重大進展。 這一計劃得到了世界級登山家Adam Ondra的支持。

Mads Emil Dalsgaard, Co-CEO of Klimate, was a reliable partner in the project as well as in belaying Adam Ondra during his climb. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)
Mads Emil Dalsgaard, Co-CEO of Klimate, was a reliable partner in the project as well as in belaying Adam Ondra during his climb. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)

作為一家依賴完好自然環(huán)境的戶外運動品牌,Mammut在雙重使命間尋求平衡:一方面,提供耐用裝備,讓戶外愛好者能在山野間享受非凡體驗;另一方面,保護他們免受惡劣天氣和意外傷害的威脅。 然而,這些產(chǎn)品在整個生產(chǎn)過程中都會產(chǎn)生排放。 Mammut遵循其雄心勃勃的減排戰(zhàn)略"盡我所能,余者皆除"(Do Our Best, Remove the Rest),目標是到2030年將排放量減少一半,到2050年實現(xiàn)凈零排放。

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丹麥科技初創(chuàng)公司Klimate在此次合作中扮演著關(guān)鍵角色,將所有利益相關(guān)者團結(jié)起來,共同致力于一個目標:位于哥本哈根的ARC每天直接從廢物發(fā)電廠的煙氣中捕獲高達4噸的CO2。 Bofort提供液化CO2的ISO儲罐,并負責將其運輸至芬蘭。在那里,Carbonaide將捕獲的CO2整合進其更環(huán)保的混凝土生產(chǎn)工藝中,實現(xiàn)二氧化碳的永久固化。 Mammut作為該項目的"買家",承諾到2025年底將減少總計90噸CO2排放。

盡管采用了創(chuàng)新除碳和儲存工藝,Mammut的主要目標仍然是減少其排放量。 正如Mammut企業(yè)責任負責人Tobias Steinegger所說:"通過這一合作,我們旨在實現(xiàn)碳去除的具體成果,并鼓勵其他公司在顯著降低碳足跡,進一步消除剩余排放。"

Klimate聯(lián)合首席執(zhí)行官Mads Emil Dalsgaard表示:"這家工廠只是一個開始,這項投資為未來的擴張和發(fā)展鋪平了道路。 Klimate非常自豪能獲得MammutAdam Ondra的支持,共同推動這一項目成為現(xiàn)實。"

Adam Ondra的攀登之路:承諾的象征

該計劃的視覺展示以多次世界冠軍和奧運選手Adam Ondra攀登哥本哈根CopenHill外部的人工巖壁為特色,CopenHill是全球最高的此類設(shè)施之一。 這次象征性的攀登不僅突顯了運動員所克服的身體挑戰(zhàn),也強調(diào)了體育界對環(huán)境責任的承諾。

--> 有關(guān)該項目的更多信息: 

ARC in Copenhagen captures up to 4 tons of CO2 daily which is eventually being integrated by Carbonaide into their sustainable concrete production process. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)
ARC in Copenhagen captures up to 4 tons of CO2 daily which is eventually being integrated by Carbonaide into their sustainable concrete production process. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)


This symbolic climb not only highlights the physical challenges overcome by athletes but also underscores the commitment to environmental stewardship within the sporting community. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)
This symbolic climb not only highlights the physical challenges overcome by athletes but also underscores the commitment to environmental stewardship within the sporting community. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)


The artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill is one of the tallest of its kind globally. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)
The artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill is one of the tallest of its kind globally. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)


Adam Ondra’s ascent on the exterior of CopenHill: a symbol of commitment to sustainability.(©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)
Adam Ondra’s ascent on the exterior of CopenHill: a symbol of commitment to sustainability.(©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)


The initiative’s visual representation features multiple-time World Champion and Olympian Adam Ondra climbing the artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)
The initiative’s visual representation features multiple-time World Champion and Olympian Adam Ondra climbing the artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)


消息來源:Mammut Sports Group AG