

Royal Commission for AlUla
2023-02-10 15:00 3702
  • 2023年阿拉伯豹節(jié)是在英國和美國開展的一項國際活動的重點,旨在提高人們對這種瀕臨滅絕物種的認識
  • 倫敦和紐約一夜之間出現(xiàn)了廣告牌投影,以提高人們對2023年阿拉伯豹節(jié)的認識
  • 國際自然保護聯(lián)盟(IUCN)將阿拉伯豹列為極度瀕危野生動物,目前野外自由活動的阿拉伯豹不到200只
  • 抱有希望的理由:過去22個月,在一個繁育中心誕生了四只幼豹

沙特阿拉伯埃爾奧拉2023年2月10日 /美通社/-- 2月10日的第二屆阿拉伯豹節(jié)將具有鮮明的國際元素,在英國、美國和沙特阿拉伯開展的國際活動傳播國際社會對該物種困境的認識,使該紀念日受到特別重視。



Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. Iain Stewart / RCU
Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. Iain Stewart / RCU


Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU
Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU


Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU
Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU


Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU
Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU


Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU
Arabian Leopards are seen at the Royal Commission for AlUla's Arabian Leopard Breeding Centre in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Four cubs have been born at the breeding centre within the past two years. David Chancellor / RCU



這項運動由埃爾奧拉皇家委員會(Royal Commission for AlUla, RCU)牽頭,該委員會正在全面重生阿拉伯西北部的大片土地,使其成為全球文化和自然遺產(chǎn)的主要目的地。



RCU野生動物和自然遺產(chǎn)執(zhí)行主任Stephen Browne博士表示:"阿拉伯豹是我們保存和保護埃爾奧拉自然環(huán)境目標的強大象征。 很遺憾,可悲的現(xiàn)實是,阿拉伯豹正瀕臨滅絕,其自然棲息地受到威脅,這凸顯迫切需要加強對該物種長期生存至關(guān)重要的保育工作。我們一直致力于紀念阿拉伯豹日,并參與活動,提高人們對這些大型貓科動物的認識,且為保護它們提供協(xié)助。"


一路走來也取得了成功:自2021年4月以來,RCU的阿拉伯豹繁育計劃迎來了四只健康幼豹的誕生,這是一個重要的里程碑,也是對增加圈養(yǎng)數(shù)量這一目標的可喜貢獻。2022年出生的一只幼豹被命名為Amal——阿拉伯語中的"希望"——象征著保護該物種未來的希望不斷上升。 有關(guān)當(dāng)天的更多信息,請訪問



消息來源:Royal Commission for AlUla
關(guān)鍵詞: 藝術(shù) 旅游業(yè)